is a magick-working, earth-based Witch tradition that considers Witchcraft not
as a religion with rules and doctrine but as a craft and a way of life. We
celebrate diverse viewpoints and believe in no set dogma, but have found a
working approach that meets our needs.
elements can be found in all directions, the Sylvan Tradition does not link
elements with directions. Because we find the elements already present, the
tradition does not invoke elements but rather calls them to join the circle and
aid us.
Because the Sylvan
Tradition teaches that the
earth is sacred in itself,
tradition members
generally do not exorcise
and banish negative
energy from an area
before we raise a circle.
Neither do we guard the
circle, as most of us
believe no dark demonic
energy can coexist in the
circle with the elements,
Goddess, God, and fey,
whom we invite into the
circle as the ritual begins.
Similarly, because the
The Sylvan Tradition works with the fey, including the elementals and
devas. The Sylvan Tradition does so in part because we ask
everything to aid our magick. Our tradition is named Sylvan, which
means "of the forest," to honor our connection to all seen and unseen
forest things, including trees, which the tradition considers the most
balanced beings in nature. The forest is also the home of the fey,
middle agents between ourselves and nature who help us stay in
harmony with nature. Part of the Sylvan Tradition is consideration for
the earth.
Though we repeat some rituals, most Sylvan rites are created by
tradition members in honor of a particular Sabbat or Moon, or to
achieve a particular goal. In a Sylvan Tradition ritual, in contrast with
many Wiccan rituals, the high priestess usually cuts a first circle
widdershins to acknowledge existing chaos, to take the circle out of
mundane time and space and to transport it and the participants to
magickal space.
The Sylvan Tradition inherits some information from the Faery Tradition of
Victor and Cora Anderson. The Sylvan Tradition began in the 1970s in
Northern California.
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(c) Sylvan Grove 2010
Questions about this site? email the coven mage: birchbark (at) gmail (dot) com